You Can Now Carry Your Cat Like A Baby Because Life Is Amazing

You never even realized how much you would need this.

animals pets hoodie Unihabitat

If you’ve ever had a small dog or even a lap cat, you know how clingy they can be. You probably love cuddling them, but everyone needs their hands from time to time, and those little fellows love to occupy them.

Enter the Mewgaroo Sweatshirt, a hoodie designed to give you and your pet cuddle time while also leaving your hands open for everything else.


If that doesn’t look like the coziest thing ever, then you're definitely not a pet person. There are also little ears on the hood of the jacket and paw prints on the sleeves, so you can look adorable while coddling your pet.

You can carry your cat or small dog around like the kangaroo they’ll wish they’d been born as. This jacket comes with a removable liner for when the fur inevitably builds up inside of that ever-so-comfortable pouch that your pet will adore.


The Mewgaroo is available from Japanese retailer Unihabit, and you can get your own Mewgaroo from their Amazon page. (Keep in mind that the sizes may be different than what you’re used to, as this is a Japanese company, so check the size chart to ensure you’ve picked the right one.)

There’s even a video of the Mewgaroo in action, and it's too freaking cute!




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