2 Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance On May 17, When The Moon & Venus Align

You are fully supported to create a life of divine abundance.

 2 Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance On May 17, When The Moon & Venus Align

Abundance isn’t only in your finances or the life you have created but in the positive connections that can help you achieve greater success. By networking with professional and personal contacts, you can open yourself up to receive more guidance from the universe by feeling truly supported in creating whatever you dream of. Lean into the positive relationships that you have within your life, and don’t be afraid to ask for help or direction, as the conversations you have today can lead to the abundance you enjoy tomorrow.


The Virgo Moon aligns with Venus in Taurus on Friday, May 17, helping you to network, connect with others, and engage in powerful conversations that can help you attract greater abundance into your life. The Moon becomes more detail-oriented in Virgo, helping you ground your emotions in the next logical step.


As the Moon in Virgo meets with Venus in Taurus, you can focus your attention on those relationships that can help play a part in the success that you achieve in your life. Although Venus is most known for representing romantic relationships, it governs finances and real estate. So, by honoring those important connections in your life, you can make significant strides in achieving a new and brilliant level of success and abundance.

2 zodiac signs experience abundance on May 17, when the Moon & Venus align

1. Cancer

cancer abundance affirmation may 17, 2024 Aleksandra Konoplia Photos / Canva

As a Cancer, you are known to occasionally tuck yourself within your proverbial cave. While this can be a healthy coping mechanism, you mustn’t think you must do or work through everything alone. It can be challenging to open yourself up to others, to say what it is that you need, or to ask for help, but by doing so you are showing that you know you are worthy of support and the success that you crave in this life.


On Friday, the Moon in Virgo and Venus in Taurus align together creating a powerful opportunity to tap into the connections within yourself. Virgo is a sign that governs over your house of communication, while Taurus represents your social circle and wishes, so May 17 is an incredibly powerful and potent day to have important conversations with others, knowing you are worthy of receiving support and help in achieving your dreams. You will be able to express yourself clearly and feel encouraged by the positive responses you receive from others.

With the Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8, you may have had a pivotal career moment or idea for what you want to pursue — but with Mercury retrograde through most of April, it made it challenging to move forward in a positive direction. Reflect on what arose for you during this time, as just because the universe asks you to wait doesn’t mean it’s not meant to be yours. This is your chance to utilize the connections in your life to make momentous moves in your career and honor the knowing that you are meant to succeed.

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2. Sagittarius

sagittarius abundance affirmation may 17, 2024 Aleksandra Konoplia Photos / Canva


Since Jupiter shifted into Taurus in 2023, you’ve been doing great work on establishing a life that supports your best self. Taurus governs over themes of well-being, daily routines, boundaries, and determination. Since Jupiter is the planet of luck and expansion, this is also an area that you’ve seen a great deal of focus on and one that you’ve grown within so that you are now feeling stronger in knowing what goes into a career that supports the life you want to lead.

The Moon in Virgo and Venus in Taurus will align on Friday, highlighting themes between your career sector, well-being, and daily routines. The Moon in Virgo will help you approach your professional life with greater logic and pragmatism, allowing you to know what needs to change for a better work-life balance. As the Virgo Moon aligns with Venus in Taurus, you will be able to prioritize your needs, whether it’s a shorter workday, an untraditional schedule, or being able to take the time off that you need to feel your best. Allow the energy of the Virgo Moon and Venus in Taurus to help you cultivate the career success that actually will support the life you want to live by prioritizing how you want to feel — and what you have time to enjoy.

To use the energy of the Virgo Moon and Venus in Taurus, spend time first reflecting on how you would craft your daily routine if you could choose as you do notice how you want to start your day, what activities you would include, and how you would divine up personal time, social time, and that for work. Once you do, spend time reflecting on how you can begin to implement this ideal routine into your actual life by stating what you need in your career — or beginning to look for one that supports that. You are not limited by any external factors, and when you can awaken to this truth, you are also given the power to craft the life and success of your choosing.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.