Employee Told They 'Should Have Prepped Earlier' After Asking For The Day Off When Their Dog Passed Away Unexpectedly

Nothing could ever "prep" you for the pain of losing your dog.

dog, employee, boss Beatriz Vera / Shutterstock 

After a man’s dog passed away unexpectedly, he requested a day off work to grieve.

However, his request could have been met better by his boss, who believed that there was more he could have done to prepare ahead of time instead of taking off from work. 

The man’s boss told him that he ‘should have prepped’ the day before after he requested a day off after his dog passed away. 

The employee took to the subreddit r/antiwork to share screenshots of the messages he received from his boss after asking for the day off. 


The night before, he had texted one of his managers to let them know that his dog had passed away unexpectedly and asked for the day off.

Employee Told They Should Have Prepped Earlier After Asking For The Day Off When Their Dog DiedPhoto: Reddit

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After not hearing back for quite some time, the man finally received a scathing response from his boss. 

“Next time you need a day off on short notice due to your dog dying sorry but this is why you HAVE TO START PREPPING THE DAY BEFORE,” the man’s boss, who likely needs grammar lessons, wrote. 

It is unclear whether the boss meant that the employee should have “prepped” for his dog dying the day before or if he meant prep work before he left his last shift. 

Employee Told They Should Have Prepped Earlier After Asking For The Day Off When Their Dog Passed Away Unexpectedly Photo: fizkes / Shutterstock 


The man’s boss complains that his absence has left them short-handed and scrambling to finish his incompleted work. 

“Now we’re sacrificing staying doing extra of your job and you know how short staff we have, We were here the whole time yesterday and you never said anything or discussed it.” 

The man’s boss added that he had to cancel his daughter’s appointment to cover his missed work. 

Employee Told They Should Have Prepped Earlier After Asking For The Day Off When Their Dog DiedPhoto: Reddit


RELATED: Therapist Explains The Moment He Finally Understood The Important Role Pets Play In Our Lives — 'We Need To Better At Acknowledging This'

Most people believed the grieving man should just quit. 

“Whoever the [expletive] your manager is shouldn’t be a manager. Leave that job and get something else. Does he wear his clown makeup to work as well?” one Redditor commented. 

“You deserve better! Also, I’m so sorry to hear your doggo passed over the rainbow bridge. My deepest condolences!” another user wrote. 

“Short staffing is never the employees' problem or fault. Employees don't do the hiring,” another user pointed out. 


Others noted that no one could predict the death of their pet, especially if they were in relatively good health, and should not be expected to call in ahead of time to request the day off. 

While many companies do not offer pet bereavement leave, they should allow a few days off because it's the right thing to do.

Employee Told They Should Have Prepped Earlier After Asking For The Day Off When Their Dog Passed Away Unexpectedly Photo: asia.marangio / Shutterstock

Many employees who lose pets feel as if their grief is not valid since the loss is not recognized to the same degree as if they had lost a loved one. 


However, losing a pet is one of life’s greatest sorrows and something that we should all do better at acknowledging. 

Janet Zimmerman, a licensed social worker in Plainview, New York, who specializes in bereavement counseling, said that she hopes more companies begin offering pet bereavement leave so that employees don't have to request days off when their beloved pets pass. 

“People often feel that they have to hide their grief and get right back to work. Giving these people who are in terrible pain some acknowledgment that pet bereavement is a serious personal issue is just an empathic way to go,” she told SHRM. 

“What I would hope companies would strive for is to be sensitive to and acknowledge that pet loss bereavement is real. It is terribly painful and difficult for many people. Some people become clinically depressed; they don’t eat, they can’t sleep, they don’t groom themselves or even get dressed.”




Instead of griping about having to do some extra work or being short-staffed, the man’s boss could have offered his condolences and had compassion for him, having just lost a best friend. 

The aggravation of having to work a bit longer than usual is nothing compared to the sheer heartbreak of knowing your pet will never again greet you by the front door after a long day. 

RELATED: Animal Communicator Explains Why You Feel Such A Strong Connection To Your Pet


Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.